Sunday, July 08, 2007

Explaining the Unexplained Absence

I kinda fell off the face of the blogosphere for a bit. I apologize, wholeheartedly. I know that now that I moved halfway across the country, this is one of the only ways most of my friends know what's up with me. I've spent all day trying to explain why I've gone missing of late. Here are some of the stories I came up with.

-- I threw myself into bass playing, joined a band and started touring. I'm thinking about quitting my job and doing this full-time.
-- My job has gotten so busy that I'm working 18 hours of every day, and I don't have time to do anything except sleep and work.
-- I died. Wait -- who'd be writing this post, then?
-- I got pregnant, and the morning sickness has me hiding in my bed in a fetal position all day long.

But of course, all of these are completely bogus. Not even a shred of truth to any of them. The truth is that I got sucked into an online game, and haven't hardly surfaced in a long time. Pathetic, isn't it? Aren't those for 15-year-old boys or older guys with no ability to interact with the real world? Why yes, yes they are. You'll have to decide which of these I've become. I haven't completely crawled into a hole to die, though. These are some of the posts that I will be writing up and posting over the next few days as I extricate myself from this crazy game.

Is Heather a Mini Murderer or Just a Maimer?
Why I Shouldn't Have to Ever Attend Another Family Reunion
Comparing Santa Barbara to Austin, From a Cyclist's Perspective
Trader Joe's Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be
Heather is a Heathen
Coincidental Stranger Remeetings

Please let me know which of these you'd like to see me write up first. I will do my best to comply. Thank you in advance for your forgiveness for my lackadaisical attitude. I do hope not to repeat it. At least for a while. Or if we go to war in my game.


Admin said...

I'm looking forward to Heather is a Heathen.

Heather said...

Of course you are, Kyle. I doubt it will live up to the expectations you are no doubt churninig away in that head of yours.

Anonymous said...

Here's the order I think you should go in....
1. Why I Shouldn't Have to Ever Attend Another Family Reunion
2. Coincidental Stranger Remeetings
3. Trader Joe's Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be
4. Is Heather a Mini Murderer or Just a Maimer?
5. Comparing Santa Barbara to Austin, From a Cyclist's Perspective
6. Heather is a Heathen

I enjoy your writing so much that I think you should start composing something for each of the topics. Although, I think the cycling one could be the start of a book.

Heather said...

Sorry, kyle -- stephanie is prettier than you. :)

Anonymous said...

I like Coincidental Stranger Remeetings, which could be the name of your band's first album.