Sunday, March 22, 2009

Next Steps

GB and I have decided to get a divorce. Not terribly surprising, I suppose, but a difficult decision nonetheless. There are lots of logistical decisions yet to be made, and we'll work through them. In the meantime, I'm very much at peace with this first decision in the process. I'm not precisely sure what direction this little spot on the internet will take. But, then, I'm not real sure which direction my life will be going. Perhaps you'll come along for the ride?


revjustin said...

Heather - I will always be willing to go along on the ride with you. You're a great person and I really enjoy reading your blog (we should hand out more - you're like right there in my office!)

Best of luck to you and let me know if you need anything.

Admin said...

My best as you sort it all out.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck and I'll also be along for the blog ride. Of course.

Heather said...

Thanks, folks. Yay blogging!!

George said...

Hang in there, Heather.

Stephanie said...

Virtual friends, real friends, we're all backing you. Let me know what I can do to help. I don't mind listening to whatever you want to say. (I may not get it, as I think my IQ drops daily.)