Sunday, April 30, 2006

Presenting the New Site

After tinkering with the look of this blog for quite some time, I decided to just replace the whole durn thing. So here you go -- a new look to start into a new month. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment. I may or may not get around to incorporating your comments into the look in the next year or so. How's that for commitment?


Admin said...

well, it's certainly agressive and in your face, clearly not a pre packaged template. if you're experimenting with your own html you might consider confining some of those lists to a sidebar. or not. it works fine for me as I'm viewing at 1280x1024, but my guess is that at lower resolutions especially anyone still at 800x600 you may be going off the page and requiring your visitors to do a bit of side scrolling, which they may find annoying. so, there you go.

Heather said...

It was already in a sidebar, but I used a few tables in those, to keep the right side shorter, and some of those were a little too wide when viewed in 800x600. So, I shrunk them down. But now really, do any of you still use 800x600 monitors?

Oh, and it was a template, but modified a bit. We'll have to see if you still think it's "in your face" after you've seen it more than once.

Anonymous said...

Wait, where am I? Where's Heather? Oh, yeah. Okay. Deep breath, I'm in the right place. Looking around...

I like it. It's comfortable. Looks nice in firefox....

Anyways, I thought I'd dramatize for you. It looks good. I like the sidebar lists. Where is Bonaire?

Admin said...

the sidebars look better now, but the ones below where your posts go reset to the left margin, which is a little funky. like it says countries I've been to on the right sidebar, but all the countries are way over against the left edge. something to consider if you continue tinkering.