Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Tiptoe Through The Tulips: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Tropical Hibiscus)

This showy bush is currently covered with big fluffy blooms. It has clearly been in the yard a while, and is large and established -- just like I like my plants -- harder to kill that way.

It's a large bush, about eight feet tall, and I've seen up to 15 of these six-inch blooms on it, and that is a glorious sight. There are several types of hibiscus, but this one falls in the tropical group, which is good because it turns out to be in a south-facing part of the yard, where it gets as much sun as it wants, and more.

I do like this one. For a tropical plant, it needs very little extra water in our part of the desert, which is surprising. There are other tropical plants in the yard that need a decent amount of extra water, so it's nice that this one doesn't have that requirement. Woohoo! Go hibiscus!

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