Sunday, January 08, 2006


Today is Epiphany Sunday. In the church calendar, it's the day we celebrate the magi coming to visit the baby Jesus and present Him with gifts. But the word "epiphany" has another, completely nonreligious meaning. I thought it might be nice to recap some of the epiphanies I can remember having over my, albeit short so far, lifetime.

Anything I can come up with has been thought of before.

Racism is not a one-way thing.

Marriage is hard.

No one is lovable all the time.

My parents did the best they knew how with the tools they'd developed in their lives.

When I tell myself that I won't let something affect me, it invariably does.

I guess I've learned some stuff in life, but just not as much as I probably should have. These represent those biggest "aha" moments in my life. What kinds of things have you realized?

1 comment:

Heather said...

There was something comforting to me about not having original thoughts. It had something to do with removing some level of imaginary pressure for me. Meanwhile, I still value the first time I come up with something. I love having ideas, and now I assume someone has probably already marketed said idea, or wrote said book, and I can enjoy it more for knowing I reached those conclusions on my own.