Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Number 400

Having started this blog journey on October 6, 2005, it only took me 1297 days to complete the first 400 posts. That's an average of a new post every 3.2 days. I'm no high-volume Nellie, but it's nothing to sneeze at, either. Honestly, I'm surprised that 3+ years out, I'm still doing this.

I want to thank my readers out there (all three of you!) for continuing to come back after my various hiati (hiatuses didn't look right). I appreciate you.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 400th. And, thanks for returning after my hiati as well.

You started about a week before I did, it looks like. I've read that most blogs fold after a few months, maybe a year. Some of the ones I liked have done that too. Thanks for sticking it out.

revjustin said...

Happy 400!

Stephanie said...

Woo-hoo! I don't know that I'll make 400, but it's nice to see tht you have!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for inspiring me to start one! (I meant to include that, but somehow, my logging in distracted me....)

George said...

Here's to the next 400!

And often dyslexic me is having real problems with hiati--I keep thinking you're going to have to blog about voodoo.

Heather said...

James: Weird that we started this blog thing about the same time. I'm glad you've stuck it out, too.

Justin: Thanks!

Steph: You gotta have goals, girl!

George: Glad I made you do some mental gymnastics with some made up words. Also, you make a fourth confirmed reader!! Wow! I'll have to update my post.